balance of payments account
- balance of payments account
счет платежного баланса.
Раздел системы национальных счетов (СНС) (System of National Accounts), показатели которого характеризуют роль и значение экономических потоков, возникающих в связи с внешнеэкономической деятельностью страны в процессе создания распределения и потребления валового национального продукта (ВНП) (results of external transaction in statistics of gross national product). Экономические потоки с зарубежными странами характеризуются двумя большими группами: текущие операции (см. current account of the balance of payments) и операции с капиталом (capital transactions). Доходные статьи счета: выручка зарубежных стран от продажи импортных товаров, денежные поступления в зарубежные страны в форме распределенных факторных доходов или чистых трансфертных платежей. Расходные статьи счета: затраты зарубежных стран на приобретение отечественной экспортной продукции и чистые приобретения национальными фирмами финансовых активов из-за рубежа, превышающие сумму принятых ими финансовых обязательств за границей.
Англо-русский толковый словарь внешнеэкономических терминов. - М.: Финансы и статистика.
Смотреть что такое "balance of payments account" в других словарях:
balance of payments current account — ➔ account1 * * * balance of payments current account UK US noun [singular] (also external account) ► ECONOMICS a record of the movement of money into and out of a country from trade in goods and services: »The Reserve Bank Governor is reported to … Financial and business terms
balance of payments capital account — ➔ account1 * * * balance of payments capital account UK US noun [singular] ► ECONOMICS a record of the capital investment that has moved money into and out of a country: »The inter country flows of capital are recorded in the balance of payments… … Financial and business terms
Balance of payments — In economics, the balance of payments, (or BOP) measures the payments that flow between any individual country and all other countries. It is used to summarize all international economic transactions for that country during a specific time period … Wikipedia
Balance of payments accounts of Japan (1960–90) — In its balance of payments accounts, Japan has traditionally run a deficit in services. Trade in services includes transportation (freight and passenger fares), insurance, travel expenditures, royalties, licensing fees, and income from… … Wikipedia
balance of payments — Spain s balance of payments shows the usual cycle of oscillations between surplus years and deficit years. From the early 1960s to the early 1970s there was generally a surplus. But Spain s dependence on imported oil changed the situation… … Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture
balance of payments — noun a system of recording all of a country s economic transactions with the rest of the world over a period of one year (Freq. 1) a favorable balance of payments exists when more payments are coming in than going out • Syn: ↑balance of… … Useful english dictionary
balance of payments — A statistical compilation formulated by a sovereign nation of all economic transactions between residents of that nation and residents of all other nations during a stipulated period of time, usually a calendar year. Bloomberg Financial… … Financial and business terms
balance of payments — The accounts setting out a country s transactions with the outside world. They are divided into various sub accounts, notably the current account and the capital account. The former includes the trade account, which records the balance of imports … Big dictionary of business and management
balance of payments — The accounts setting out a country s transactions with the outside world. They are divided into various sub accounts, notably the current account and the capital account. The former includes the trade account, which records the balance of imports … Accounting dictionary
balance of payments — The record of a country’s economic transactions with other countries and with international institutions. The balance of payments is normally analyzed into a current account that records trading transactions and a capital account that records… … Auditor's dictionary
balance of payments — noun an account of a nation s total payments to foreign countries (debits) and its total receipts from foreign sources (credits) …